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  • 무역/해외/어학
  • [주말 Biz.Eng.] Meeting and Telephone English (미팅 및 전화 소통법)
  • · 서울 KMA 한국능률협회 KMA 연수센터
  • · 2013.07.13 - 2013.07.13 1일 7시간
  • · 교육비 : 500,000원 → 할인가 420,000원
  • · 할인조건 : 회원사 : 420,000원비회원사 : 500,000원
  • · 강사명 :
  • · 문의처 : 02-3274-9221
  • · 홈페이지: 바로가기
조회: 893    |    수강생의견 (총 0건)
등록일: 2013-07-08 트위터 페이스북 미투데이
□ 과정의 목적

The purpose of this course is to help professionals build the language skills necessary for using the telephone in business situations and taking part in meetings in English.

□ 기대 효과

Gain confidence in attending business meetings and conducting telephone conversations in English.
Learn and practice a wide range of essential expressions and skills for business meetings and telephone conversations.
Participate in a meeting in English.

□ 과정의 특징

This is a course on conducting business meetings and business telephone conversations in English. The participants will learn about the basic structure of a business meeting, and we will cover a wide range of useful expressions and techniques for taking part in and leading business meetings in English. The class will be composed of both individual and group work. Finally, the participants will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned by holding a meeting in class. There will be exercises where we practice holding meetings and having telephone conversations in English.

□ 교육 대상
Managers, team leaders and individuals who want to participate in business meetings and use the phone in English.

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