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  • 무역/해외/어학
  • Interpersonal Skills [영어 대인관계기술 ]
  • · 서울 KMA 한국능률협회 KMA 연수센터
  • · 2014.04.17 - 2014.04.18 2일 16시간
  • · 교육비 : 900,000원 → 할인가 800,000원
  • · 할인조건 : 회원사할인
  • · 강사명 :
  • · 문의처 : 02-3274-9221
  • · 홈페이지: 바로가기
조회: 1199    |    수강생의견 (총 0건)
등록일: 2014-02-28 트위터 페이스북 미투데이
* 과정의 목적

The objective of this course is to help the participants be more successful at work by helping them improve the quality of their working relationships. We will achieve this by learning more about our own communication styles and practicing strategies for effectively working with others.

* 기대 효과

Participants will:
-Develop strategies for communicating effectively with those whose styles are unlike
their own.
-Learn to identify communication barriers and strategies to overcome them.
-Learn to use non-verbal communication to express interest and demonstrate that you
are actively engaged in conversations.

* 과정의 특징

This course is designed to enhance the participants’ interpersonal skills by showing
how awareness of self and others and maintaining relationships are all connected
to communication. In this course, the participants will learn practical skills related to
improving their verbal and non-verbal communication, conflict resolution and listening.
In addition, participants will take a survey about their own communication style and
participate in various activities and roll-playing to practice using and reinforce what they

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