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  • 무역/해외/어학
  • Confidence Clinic [영어 울렁증 클리닉 ]
  • · 서울 KMA 한국능률협회 KMA 연수센터
  • · 2014.04.19 - 2014.04.19 1일 7시간
  • · 교육비 : 500,000원 → 할인가 420,000원
  • · 할인조건 : 회원사할인
  • · 강사명 :
  • · 문의처 : 02-3274-9221
  • · 홈페이지: 바로가기
조회: 1230    |    수강생의견 (총 0건)
등록일: 2014-02-28 트위터 페이스북 미투데이
* 과정의 목적

The purpose of this course is to help the participants develop more confidence in their English ability. Through a series of team based activities, the participants will be shown how to develop confidence, maintain it and think differently about themselves.

* 기대 효과

Participants will:
-Gain confidence in their speaking ability related to business English.
-Learn how to apply the new techniques in this course to real world situations.
-Develop the necessary tools to better themselves in the areas that need help.

* 과정의 특징

The main concept for this course is that with some small modifications to our personal
thinking and behavior, we can make huge changes in ourselves and how we feel about
ourselves. Consequently and more importantly, this can lead to positive changes in how
others view us and our abilities. We will learn many techniques designed to do this in the

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